Get settled

How was your start in Italy? Have you already unpacked all your boxes and come in touch with Italian administration procedures? If so, you may already have a first impression of how complex getting settled in Italy can be, and how many questions need to be answered. And this is where guidexpat. comes in. We help you have a great start in Italy and settle in to enjoy the local life as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Like a good friend you turn to for advice, we are at your side to help you overcome obstacles, find the best solutions for any issues you may encounter, and answer your individual questions. Our flexible ‘get settled’ service covers a broad range of issues and can be fully customised according to your family’s needs.

Potential issues we can help with include:
– National and local health system (incl. pregnancy)
– Information about administrative procedures
– Schools and children’s facilities/services
– Mobility, transport and travel (incl. accidents, insurances)
– Language schools
– Sport and other leisure activities
– and many more

guidexpat. is at your side, not only to help you get settled in Italy, but also to tackle challenges you may encounter later on, and to answer questions you may have before you arrive (online or by phone). In addition, we’re here for hands-on support with doctor appointments, visits to the local administration, and other practicalities that may arise. A short initial interview allows us to better understand your specific needs; we are happy to meet at your home, a place of your choice, or speak remotely.

Other services you may be interested in:
– Our ‘Look and See’ tour in Italy. 
– Our ‘Espresso’ support for busy people, where we address small issues and quick questions on the go. 

Get in touch to discuss how we can best support you. I am happy to share my expertise and network with you to find the best solutions for your individual needs. A presto!